Selasa, 31 Januari 2017

1) Count (simple)     - The survevor count a building (present tense)     - The survevor counted a building ( Past Tense)     - The survevor will count a building (Future Tense)     - The survevor would count a building ( Past Future Tense)

2) Observe ( Continuous)     - The supervisor is observing a dams      - The supervisor was observing a dams     - The supervisor will be observing a dams      - The supervisor would be observing a dams 

3) Saw (Perfect)     - Builder has sawed a wood     - Builder has saw a wood     - The builder will have saw a wood     - The builder would have saw a wood

4) Operate (Perfect Continuous)     - The foreman has been operating a truck     - The foreman had been operating a truck     - The foreman will have been operating a truck     - The foreman would have been operating a truck

Sabtu, 28 Januari 2017

    A dam is a hydraulic structure of fairly impervious material built across a river to create a reservoir on its upstream side for impounding water for various purposes.

These purposes may be Irrigation, Hydro-power, Water-supply, Flood Control, Navigation, Fishing and Recreation. Dams may be built to meet the one of the above purposes or they may be constructed fulfilling more than one.
Based on the functions of dam, it can be classified as follows:
Storage dams: They are constructed to store water during the rainy season when there is a large flow in the river. Many small dams impound the spring runoff for later use in dry summers. Storage dams may also provide a water supply, or improved habitat for fish and wildlife. They may store water for hydroelectric power generation, irrigation or for a flood control project. Storage dams are the most common type of dams and in general the dam means a storage dam unless qualified otherwise.
Diversion dams: A diversion dam is constructed for the purpose of diverting water of the river into an off-taking canal (or a conduit). They provide sufficient pressure for pushing water into ditches, canals, or other conveyance systems. Such shorter dams are used for irrigation, and for diversion from a stream to a distant storage reservoir. A diversion dam is usually of low height and has a small storage reservoir on its upstream. The diversion dam is a sort of storage weir which also diverts water and has a small storage. Sometimes, the terms weirs and diversion dams are used synonymously.
Detention dams: Detention dams are constructed for flood control. A detention dam retards the flow in the river on its downstream during floods by storing some flood water. Thus the effect of sudden floods is reduced to some extent. The water retained in the reservoir is later released gradually at a controlled rate according to the carrying capacity of the channel downstream of the detention dam. Thus the area downstream of the dam is protected against flood.
Debris dams: A debris dam is constructed to retain debris such as sand, gravel, and drift wood flowing in the river with water. The water after passing over a debris dam is relatively clear.
Coffer dams: It is an enclosure constructed around the construction site to exclude water so that the construction can be done in dry. A cofferdam is thus a temporary dam constructed for facilitating construction. A coffer dam is usually constructed on the upstream of the main dam to divert water into a diversion tunnel (or channel) during the construction of the dam. When the flow in the river during construction of the dam is not much, the site is usually enclosed by the coffer dam and pumped dry. Sometimes a coffer dam on the downstream of the dam is also required.

Bendungan adalah struktur hidrolik dari bahan yang cukup tahan dibangun di sungai untuk membuat reservoir di sisi hulu untuk menampung air digunakan berbagai keperluan.
Pembangunan ini bertujuan untuk Irigasi, PLTA, Penampungan Air, Pengendalian Banjir, Navigasi, Perikanan dan Rekreasi. Bendungan dapat dibangun untuk memenuhi salah satu tujuan di atas atau mereka dapat dibangun memenuhi lebih dari satu.
Berdasarkan fungsi bendungan, dapat diklasifikasikan sebagai berikut:
Bendungan Penyimpanan: Mereka dibangun untuk menyimpan air selama musim hujan ketika ada aliran besar di sungai. Banyak bendungan kecil mengandangkan limpasan air untuk digunakan di musim panas yang kering. bendungan penyimpanan juga dapat menyediakan pasokan air, atau meningkat habitat untuk ikan dan satwa liar. Mereka dapat menyimpan air untuk pembangkit listrik tenaga air, irigasi atau untuk proyek pengendalian banjir. bendungan penyimpanan adalah jenis yang paling umum dari bendungan dan secara umum bendungan berarti bendungan penyimpanan kecuali memenuhi syarat sebaliknya.

Bendungan Pengalihan: Sebuah bendungan pengalihan dibangun untuk tujuan mengalihkan air dari sungai ke kanal off-mengambil (atau saluran a). Mereka memberikan tekanan yang cukup untuk mendorong air ke selokan, kanal, atau sistem alat angkut lainnya. bendungan lebih pendek tersebut digunakan untuk irigasi, dan untuk pengalihan dari aliran ke reservoir penyimpanan yang jauh. Sebuah bendungan pengalihan biasanya tinggi rendah dan memiliki reservoir penyimpanan kecil di hulu. Pengalihan bendungan adalah semacam bendung penyimpanan yang juga mengalihkan air dan memiliki penyimpanan kecil. Kadang-kadang, istilah bendung dan bendungan pengalihan digunakan secara sinonim.

Bendungan  Penahanan: bendungan Penahanan dibangun untuk pengendalian banjir. Sebuah bendungan penahanan menghambat aliran di sungai di hilir selama banjir dengan menyimpan air banjir. Jadi efek dari banjir tiba-tiba dikurangi sampai batas tertentu. Air dipertahankan dalam reservoir kemudian dirilis secara bertahap pada tingkat yang terkendali sesuai dengan daya dukung saluran hilir bendungan penahanan. Dengan demikian daerah hilir bendungan dilindungi terhadap banjir.

Bendungan Puing: Sebuah bendungan puing-puing dibangun untuk mempertahankan puing-puing seperti pasir, kerikil, dan drift kayu mengalir di sungai dengan air. Air setelah melewati bendungan puing-puing relatif jelas.

Peti bendungan: Ini adalah kandang dibangun di sekitar lokasi pembangunan untuk mengecualikan air sehingga pembangunan dapat dilakukan dalam kering. Sebuah cofferdam demikian bendungan sementara dibangun untuk memfasilitasi konstruksi. Sebuah bendungan peti biasanya dibangun di hulu bendungan utama untuk mengalihkan air ke dalam terowongan pengalihan (atau saluran) selama pembangunan bendungan. Ketika aliran di sungai selama konstruksi bendungan tidak banyak, situs biasanya tertutup oleh bendungan peti dan dipompa kering. Kadang-kadang bendungan peti di hilir bendungan juga diperlukan.

What   :  What do you know about dams structure?
Answer:  A dam is a hydraulic structure of fairly impervious material built across a river to createa reservoir on its upstream side for impounding water for various purposes.

Who    :  Who designed the structural of building ?
Answer:  The structural of building was designed by civil engineer

Where :  Where are they planning and building storage dams?
Answer:  They are constructed to store water during the rainy season when there is a large flow in the river. Many small dams impound the spring runoff for later use in dry summers.

When  :  When do you appliy diversion dams?
Answer:  A diversion dam is constructed for the purpose of diverting water of the river into an off-taking canal or a conduit. They provide sufficient pressure for pushing water into ditches, canals, or other conveyance systems.

Why      :  Why does dam need to be made?
Answer :  because These purposes may be Irrigation, Hydro-power, Water-supply, Flood Control, Navigation, Fishing and Recreation. Dams may be built to meet the one of the above purposes or they may be constructed fulfilling more than one.

How    :  How is the dam constructed?
Answer:   A debris dam is constructed to retain debris such as sand, gravel, and drift wood flowing in the river with water. The water after passing over a debris dam is relatively clear.

1.      Storage dams are the most common type of dams

2.      Such shorter dams are used for irrigation

3.      Diversion dams are used synonymously.

Tenses : Simple Present Tense (active)
1.      Tenses : Simple Present Tense (Active)
They are constructed to store water during the rainy season when there is a large flow in the river
Subject  +  to be  +  verb1

2.      Tenses : Simple Present Tense ( Active)
Detention dams are constructed for flood control
Subject  +  to be  + verb1

Tenses : Simple Present Tense (Passive)
1.      Tenses : Simple Present Tense (Passive)
The purpose of diverting water of the river into an off-taking canal or a conduit
diversion dam is constructed
Subject  +  to be  +  verb3

2.      Tenses : Simple Present Tense (Passive)
Retain debris such as sand, gravel, and drift wood flowing in the river with water
Debris dam is constructed
Subject  +  to be  +  verb3

3.      Tenses : Simple Present Tense (Passive)
The construction site to exclude water so that the construction can be done in dry
Coffer dams It is an enclosure constructed around         
Subject  +  to be  +  verb3


1.     Tenses : Simple Present Tense
A diversion dam is usually of low height
       Subject  +  to be  +  adverb
2.     Tenses : Simple Present Tense
The water after passing over a debris dam is relatively clear
      Subject  +  to be  +  adverb

Assalamualikum. Wr.Wb.

Hey guys

I want to introduce myself. My name is Guntur adji pangestu
I come from Tangerang, Banten. I am a student of civil engineering
 faculty of the University of Muhammadiyah Tangerang. 
I was born in Tangerang, on January 04, 1996. Here,
 I stayed in Btn Bonana Permai B6 No6 Pasar kemis.
 I live with myfamily.
 I work in pt Garuda metal utama, as a welder engineer,
 with work I could pay their own tuition fees. .
 I have a hobby of playing guitar and modification motorcycle

I have a dream both Parents happy I at least make them proud of me.

besides WORK I also Opens modification services motor paint
 Body And Frame modifications Motor

Assalamualaikum. Wr. Wb